
sabato 6 gennaio 2018

The microBITX

A new kit: the microBITX by Ashhar Farhan

The kit is really wonderful: RTX 3 to 30 MHz LSB/USB/CW; about 20 watt in 80m, 12 watt in 40 m and 5 watt in 15 m.

It is very simple to build: it comes pre-solderd; it only need an enclosure and to wire the hardware present in the kit. It is pre tuned. Time to build it: about 3 hours for the enclosure  and 3 hours to wire up.

It costs only 109 dollars, it arrives in a week from India (via DHL).
This is the link:   HF SIGNALS

This is microBITX in my enclosure:

Tested in 40 m LSB and CW: soon on the air with no problems!

73 de IZ3AYQ

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